Urge of the Flesh

This piece was originally inspired by a Monday Poet’s Potluck on 7 Deadly Sins, but I didn’t finish it until now. Just in time for Thursday Poets Rally Week 34!


I hope you enjoy it!



Urge of the Flesh


The urges of the flesh sneak up on me
I find myself fighting them almost instantly
Yet I know how they got in my mind
Cuz the 7 deadly sins ain’t nothing but a thought
And like the words from my mouth
They pour on and on
Leading you down paths that you probably shouldn’t be on
You could be like me
Sitting watching Oprah’s favorite things and
Instead of feeling joy for their benefit
I’m fighting to get envy off my back
I know you laugh but it’s as simple as that
And not only do I want the gifts they were given
Now I want to BE Oprah
Lusting after her wealth and notability
Wishing I had a set and a crew
Then I could walk around telling folks what to do
And if I was Oprah, whew!
I’d do it bigger than she does
Gold plated cars and custom leather interior
A home in every country and two in Liberia
But here I go again
Fighting that deadly sin
Giving over to greed
Instead of taking what I need
Sitting on the couch
Probably in a slouch
Fighting the urge to be a sloth
Sipping on veggie broth
Wondering what else is in the kitchen
Thinking about a munchies mission
And as I think of it I feed my pride
Thinking a midnight run to the fridge is nothing to hide
It’s not like I’m eating buckets of chicken in the bed
Or even that I’m over fed
Just a snack here
A bite there
Beyond what I need to survive
Even way more than I need to thrive
Now gluttony has worked it’s way into my life
Funny how I can see these things within my daily life
Fighting the urge of the flesh
Is far from fresh
It truly can make your life a mess
From the time you wake up to the time you sleep
You are suspended just above the heap
Of suffers and victims
Not able to survive the FIGHT
And all you can do is put your wrath to action
Fight on to victory
Even when the struggle is small
Fight on to victory
Even when it seems to take all you have
Fight on to victory

27 thoughts on “Urge of the Flesh

  1. Pingback: Thursday Poets Rally Week 34 (December 2-8) | Jingle

  2. Pingback: Agreement 4 Thursday Poets Rally Week 34 Participants | Promising Poets' Parking Lot

  3. Pingback: Festive Poetry From Fabulous Poets (Highlight of Poets Rally Week 34) | Promising Poets' Parking Lot

  4. Pingback: The Celebrate Blogger of 2010 Awards Nomination Announcement | Jingle

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